Borrowing Privileges and Overdue Fine
Only Registered Members can borrow books from the Library on the production of their individual Identity Cards issued by the college at the circulation desk. The entitlement of the number of books on loan and loan periods with overdue fines for different categories of members are as follows:
* Fine @ Rs. 10.00 per Day per Book
GB-General Books, TB-Text Books, RB-Reference Books (Not for Loan)
- Renewal of Books – If a loan book is not in demand, then the user concerned is allowed for renewal a maximum of two consecutive times. The renewal of books can be done through the Library OPAC or with the help of library staff at the circulation counter. The library reserves the right to recall any book issued to the user at any point in time if the need arises.
- Reservation of Books – Each member has the privilege to reserve or hold a maximum of two books if the same are borrowed by other members of the Central Library. The reservation of books can be done through OPAC or with the help of library staff at the circulation counter.
Overdue Fine - Collection – Books taken on loan must either return or renew on or before the due date, failing which the user concerned is charged a fine of Rs.10/day /book. All overdue fine fines users concerned must clear on before the end of the ongoing academic session, failing which book loan privilege will be suspended.
- Mode of Fine Collection – Any user charged with a fine has to make payment through offline mode only at the Library counter.
- No Dues/Clearance Certificate – No Dues/Clearance/Objection Certificate may be issued to members by clearing all the outstanding dues in respect of borrowed book (s) and delayed fines (if any).
- Arrangement of the Library Collection – The library collections are arranged in the following ways:
1. All books in print are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system and arranged by classification number (subject-wise) on the shelf. Detailed shelf guides are provided in the stack area for easy location.
2. Reserve textbooks are arranged for library reading only.
3. Print journals are arranged in alphabetical order on Journal & Magazines wall. - Library Rules
1. Please bring the Library ID card while using the Library.
2. Library ID card is a must for library transactions.
3. Please maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence
4. Please handle the library materials with utmost care.
5. Keep your personal belongings at the property counter.
6. Smoking, food, and drinks are not allowed in the library.
7. No material from the library should be taken.